LG TV Error Code 201

Seeing strange numbered error messages popup when turning on your LG TV certainly grabs attention. But what causes confusing codes like LG TV error code 201 or 201-1 and how do you make them disappear?

In this guide, we’ll break down the specifics behind error code 201 popping up on compatible LG TV models. You’ll learn what triggers the software update failed message, the best way to restore normal operation through reset options and steps to safeguard against future 201 errors. Soon, your LG television will be back to streaming movies and shows instead of flashing concerning notification screens!

What Triggers LG TV Error Code 201?

On modern webOS-based LG smart TVs, error code 201 indicates issues related to a failed automatic software update.

Essentially, your LG television downloads periodic firmware updates in the background to continuously improve performance, patch bugs and refine the user experience over time. However, if the TV attempts installing a firmware update but the process fails or gets interrupted unexpectedly, error 201 displays on next reboot.

Potential triggers leading to a bungled LG TV firmware update and subsequent 201 error code include:

– Power cut out during crucial installation stage

– Internet connection dropped mid-update

– Insufficient storage space for large update file

– Corrupted update package with errors failing verification

– Outdated operating system no longer supported

So in summary – error code 201 on your compatible LG television points to a botched automatic OS/firmware update deployment behind the scenes.

How to Fix LG TV Error Code 201

Thankfully clearing error 201 only takes a few simple steps to get your LG smart TV operational once more.

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The most effective method involves completely resetting your television to factory default settings. This erases any remnants of the glitched update allowing a smooth clean installation next time.

Here is the recovery process:

– From powered off state, press and hold the power button on LG TV for 10-20 seconds until menu appears

– Navigate to and select Factory Data Reset option

– Enter admin password if prompted or confirm reset

– Let reset fully complete, then unplug TV from power for 60+ seconds

– Reconnect and turn on LG TV which should display setup wizard

– Walk through initial setup prompts to recreate wifi, user accounts etc

This failsafe recovery performs a full system renewal. Expect things like customized app layouts and login credentials to reset. But your LG television will operate normally once more!

Preventing Future LG TV Error Code 201 Occurrences

While sophisticated electronics, occasional hiccups like error 201 come with the smart TV territory. However you can take proactive measures to minimize interruptions and safeguard future firmware updates including:

– Use UPS battery backup during storms to avoid power interruptions

– Routinely check for and manually install smaller incremental updates

– Connect television to reliable high speed wired internet if possible

– Let automatic updates run their course overnight without usage disruptions

– Allow generous timeframe windows for large multi-gigabyte updates

Taking these best practices into account eliminates many update failure points. But should error 201 strike again, don’t hesitate factory resetting your LG TV to quickly regain normal functionality.

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Enjoy Smooth Sailing Ahead!

While confusing initially, error code 201 points to easily repairable software update hiccups during your LG smart TV’s automatic maintenance routines. Follow the factory reset process outlined above and take steps to promote uninterrupted update deployment success down the road. Soon you’ll be back streaming movies, shows and more content through your LG television without random errors getting in the way!

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